How to Prune Ivy Ground Cover
How to Prune Ivy Ground Cover. Ivy (Hedera) is one of those vining plants that roots every place it touches the ground. It is important to keep it under control by constant pruning.
Ivy (Hedera) is one of those vining plants that roots every place it touches the ground. It is important to keep it under control by constant pruning.
Things You'll Need
Garden Shears
Gas-powered Mowers
Hedge Shears
Edger/trimmers And Accessories
Prune ivy with hedge shears in the early spring before rapid growth begins. Remove all the foliage and leave the vining branches close to the soil.
Mow large areas of ivy with a power lawn mower or an edger/trimmer. It is not necessary to leave any foliage when you prune; ivy recovers very rapidly.
Trim edges along sidewalks and driveways with hedge shears. Hold the shears in a vertical position while you prune to save your back. Large branches may need to be cut with regular garden shears, so keep them handy in your pocket.
Tips & Warnings
Ivy may need trimming as often as 2 - 3 times per year.
Prevent ivy from growing up through the branches and trunks of trees. It will eventually strangle and kill even the mightiest of oaks.
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