How to Use a Wood Chipper
How to Use a Wood Chipper. A wood chipper is a useful piece of machinery. You can buy or rent one to do many jobs around your yard. Wood chippers are great for routine yard work or for cleaning up after a storm. Exercise caution when you use one.
A wood chipper is a useful piece of machinery. You can buy or rent one to do many jobs around your yard. Wood chippers are great for routine yard work or for cleaning up after a storm. Exercise caution when you use one.
Wear snug fitting clothing when you use a wood chipper. Baggy clothes are dangerous around a wood chipper because they can get caught in the blades and pull you in.
Use ear plugs to protect your hearing against the noise when you use a wood chipper. They are loud machines.
Protect your eyes by wearing safety glasses. Shredded materials have a tendency to fly when you use a wood chipper.
Put on a good pair of work gloves and a hard hat before you start to use a wood chipper. You never know what kind of materials will fly out when you are chipping. Steel-toed safety boots are also a good safety precaution when you use a wood chipper.
Keep your hands and feet away from the wood chipper's feed chute area. It only takes a second of distraction to get caught and pulled in.
Push materials into the wood chipper by using a long limb or long piece of wood to help keep hands at a safe distance. Small pieces of twigs and all leaves should be thrown into the transport compartment instead of directly into the wood chipper.
Clean excess debris from the area around the wood chipper regularly to prevent accidental falls near the machine.
Listen to make sure the knives have come to a complete stop before you open the hood when you use a wood chipper.
Tips & Warnings
Deaths have occurred involving the use of wood chippers. Never allow children around or near the area when you are using a wood chipper. No one under the age of 18 should be allowed to use a wood chipper alone.
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