How to Make a Flower Grow
How to Make a Flower Grow. Flowers can make the outside as well as the inside brighter and prettier.Here are some tips on how you help yours to grow healthy and strong.

Flowers can make the outside as well as the inside brighter and prettier.Here are some tips on how you help yours to grow healthy and strong.
Things You'll Need
A proper place for the flower to sit
A bigger container
Begin by knowing a little about your flower
The first step in helping a flower to grow is to know about its needs. This means you must know a little bit about the flower you have. Most flowers come with a little printed stick. On this stick is the details of how to raise your flower properly such as: the type of sun it needs and how often to water it.Read these and pay attention to them.
Decide on the location for your flower.Remember the information you read about the flower and find the perfect sunny or shady or semi-sunny location.
If the flower is an indoors plant, carefully look at the bottom of the container. Do you see roots growing out from it? If you do, this is a sign that it needs to replanted into a bigger container.Place some fresh potting soil into the new and bigger container. Now gently squeeze the signs of the container that is still holding the flower. This will help to loosen it from it. Still with a gentle touch, turn the flower pot upside down and catch the flower as it drops out of it.Place it into the new container. Add new potting soil around it and on top of it, until the flower is securely in place.Water the flower.If the flower is to be an outside flower, follow the same steps in removing the flower from its original container. Now have a nice whole dug, big enough for the roots of the flower and some fresh potting soil.Add the fresh potting soil to the bottom of the whole.Place the flower into the whole.Add more potting soil to the sides of the flower and on top of the flower until the flower is securely in place.Water the flower.
Add fertilizer according to the needs of each flower.For some flowers, this may be once or twice a year.Refer to the information that came with the flower.
If your flower is an inside flower, turn the container every week or so.This will help the flower to grow straight and not bend one way (toward the sun).
Water the flower as needed.
Tips & Warnings
By reading the information that comes with every flower you have (and keeping it to refer to later), you have all the basic information you need to keep the flower growing and becoming strong.
If you have animals in your home (especially cats), do not allow them to eat your flowers. Many flowers can be dangerous to them if they eat them (especially lilies).
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