How to Grow Magnolia Trees
How to Grow Magnolia Trees. The magnolia is the genus name of more than 200 plant species, including the dramatic "saucer" magnolia and the dainty and ethereal "star" magnolia. An ancient plant, evidence of the magnolia has been found dating back 95 million years. Americans love the magnolia. It is the state flower of Mississippi and Louisiana and...

The magnolia is the genus name of more than 200 plant species, including the dramatic "saucer" magnolia and the dainty and ethereal "star" magnolia. An ancient plant, evidence of the magnolia has been found dating back 95 million years. Americans love the magnolia. It is the state flower of Mississippi and Louisiana and has been adopted as the city flower of Houston. Magnolia trees are easy to grow.
Choose the proper tree for your area. Give your magnolia tree the best chance of survival by choosing the type of magnolia that's best suited for your climate. Traditional, non-hybrid magnolia trees do best in southern, zone seven to nine, climates. Don't despair, however, if you live in the Northeast or Midwest; several hybrid magnolia trees, especially the "star" magnolia, thrive in zones five to seven.
Plant the magnolia tree in the right area. Magnolia trees bloom in the early to mid-spring and sometimes bud before the last frost, causing the buds to darken and fall off of the tree. You can help to avoid this by planting the tree on the north side of your house. The northern exposure gets less springtime sun and will delay the tree's blossoms.
Allow room to grow. Classified as a medium-sized tree, the most magnolia species will still grow to be about 20 to 30 feet tall and about half as wide. Remember when you are choosing a site that the small sapling that you take home from the garden center will eventually become a large tree.
Trim the tree. Magnolia trees have a proclivity for producing multiple large branches. To create a tree with a single trunk, trim all of the lower branches except for a single, strudy one when the tree is young.
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