How to Plant Cosmos
How to Plant Cosmos. Cosmos are an annual flower that blooms continuously throughout the summer season in a wide variety of colors. They are hardy and easy to grow even in bad soil conditions. The seeds are small but germination usually happens within a few days. Plant your cosmos in an area that need a splash of color in your summer garden.
Cosmos are an annual flower that blooms continuously throughout the summer season in a wide variety of colors. They are hardy and easy to grow even in bad soil conditions. The seeds are small but germination usually happens within a few days. Plant your cosmos in an area that need a splash of color in your summer garden.
Things You'll Need
Outdoor Area to Plant your Cosmos.
Shovel or Garden Claw.
Garden Trowel.
Cosmos Flowering Seeds.
Potting Soil.
Watering Can.
How to Plant Cosmos.
Purchase your favorite brand of cosmos seeds at your local mass retail store or plant nursery.
Choose a sunny location in your yard where you would like to plant your cosmos.
Work up the soil where the cosmos seeds will be planted. Use a shovel to turn over the sod (if needed) and then use a garden claw tool or rake to work the soil into a smooth, broken up consistency.
Take your garden trowel or even your finger and create a 'zig zag' divot into the soil where you will plant the seeds. Keep the divots about half an inch apart so the plants grow close together.
Take your cosmos seed packet and open at the top. carefully empty the seeds into your hand.
Randomly place one or two seeds at a time, two inches apart into the divots.
Take some potting soil or fine dirt and lightly cover the sivots where the seeds have been planted.
Take your watering can and water the seeded area well.
Continue to water well each day until the seeds have germinated.
After 14 days, begin to enjoy your bright colored flowering cosmos.
Tips & Warnings
You can plant Cosmos just about anytime of the year after it is safe from frost.
Cosmos will continuously bloom all summer and fall until the first frost hits.
Cosmos are very easy to grow.
Cosmos come in a variety of colors such as white and purple to light and bright pinks.
Cosmos are hearty and need little care throughout the summer months.
You may need stake your cosmos, use a piece of panty hose or string to wrap around the plant and stake to a pole or nearby sturdy object.
Cosmos make a great backdrop to any garden or bare outdoor space.
Cosmos do best when planted in full sun to partial shade.
Some hearty cosmos plants can return the following year.
Do not over water your cosmos. Give one thorough watering in the evening and then a small one in the morning if needed.
Keep pets and animals out of the planting area until the seeds have germinated and sprouted.
If using a garden claw to till up your soil, be sure to wear proper footwear to prevent hurting your feet.
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