How to Plant Apple Trees
How to Plant Apple Trees. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. That's the old truism that almost every child grows up hearing. And why? Because it's largely true. Apples are a healthy and efficient source of vitamins and antioxidants. Apples might also lower your risk of certain diseases. Also, they're a versatile food! You can use them in main...
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. That's the old truism that almost every child grows up hearing. And why? Because it's largely true. Apples are a healthy and efficient source of vitamins and antioxidants. Apples might also lower your risk of certain diseases. Also, they're a versatile food! You can use them in main dishes, appetizers, and even desserts. Start reaping the benefits now by planting one or two in you yard.
Things You'll Need
Large container
Select an area of your yard that gets plenty of consistent sunlight. Apple trees can tolerate a certain degree of shade but too much can seriously stunt their growth and fruit production.
Prep the soil for planting a couple weeks ahead of time. Dig a large hole, placing the soil into a large bucket or wheelbarrow.
Mix the freshly dug soil with fertilizer until it is consistent.
Return the soil back to the hole and water the whole area thoroughly. Also, make sure that the soil is relatively free of weeds and other large debris.
In either the late winter or early spring, re-dig the hole, just large enough to make space for the roots. There shouldn't be any need for more fertilizer at this point. Wait until the tree has taken hold and then, if necessary, fertilize.
Place a sturdy stake about 4 inches from the apple tree and tie with string at both the top and bottom of the plant. Once the tree becomes sufficiently strong you can cut it free and remove the stake.
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