How to Make INSECT REPELLANT & SOOTH BITES with EUCALYPTUS OIL ( mosquito , Flea , Tick )
How to Make INSECT REPELLANT & SOOTH BITES with EUCALYPTUS OIL ( mosquito , Flea , Tick ). EUCALYPTUS OIL is a natural insect repellant & is one of the best things I have found to sooth the itching of an insect bites. Will repell mosquito , Flea , Tick & most biting insects

EUCALYPTUS OIL is a natural insect repellant & is one of the best things I have found to sooth the itching of an insect bites. Will repell mosquito , Flea , Tick & most biting insects
Things You'll Need
small spray bottlewater
EUCALYPTUS OIL can be purchased at most health food stores.
It comes in tiny little one ounce bottles & I have seen it in large one gallon bottles. For personal use I would buy a medium size bottle . unless you plan on making a lot of repellant for a large family

Get a clean spray bottle at any discount store. Fill it 3/4 of the way up with warn water & add 1/4 EUCALYPTUS OIL. Shake well
Spray it on just like you would any insect repellant , cover all exposed areas , rub it in to make sure you get good coverage & give your cloths a good spray also.
Mosquito either don't like the smell or they can't smell you , so they just are not attracted to you with the EUCALYPTUS OIL mixture on you.
EUCALYPTUS OIL smell a lot better than most store bought repellants

Spray it on your dog or cat , it keeps the fleas away & it makes your dog smell better.

Use the EUCALYPTUS OIL straight out of the bottle , apply a small amount to your finger rub it gentle on the bite or effected area.
It is the only thing I use now , It works great for me

Tips & Warnings
EUCALYPTUS OIL also works great in a vapoized to treat conjestion during a cold.
Rub it on to releive sore muscles
As a dog wash it keep fleas & ticks away
Hot tubs & spas , a few tables spoons , it ill give off a relaxing aroma & EUCALYPTUS OIL is a natural antiseptic agent to help keep you water safe.
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