How to Mow the Lawn After Winter
How to Mow the Lawn After Winter. After the winter, mowing the lawn is important to begin your landscaping for spring and summer. There are special techniques that you need to observe before you begin mowing your lawn. You will need to understand your mower, the grass and the weather conditions before you begin.
After the winter, mowing the lawn is important to begin your landscaping for spring and summer. There are special techniques that you need to observe before you begin mowing your lawn. You will need to understand your mower, the grass and the weather conditions before you begin.
Raise the blades on your mower. When you mow the grass after winter, the soil and roots are still moist from frost or dew. When your blades are lower, you get a smaller cut, which can tear the grass instead of cut it.
Watch weather reports. Cutting the lawn after a huge rainstorm can damage your grass. Watch the weather and never plan to mow the lawn after rain. The top grass needs to be dry before you attempt to mow the lawn after winter. The moist grass could damage the mower as well.
Clean and maintain the mower before you cut the lawn. The blades need to be clean and dry before you start mowing. You will also need to put oil and gas in the lawn mower. Start it on pavement or concrete before putting it on the lawn. This will ensure that the mower is working properly without damaging your grass.
Mow the grass in sections. This will keep the grass looking good in case you are in a rainstorm and must finish the lawn another day. Begin in one spot and then move to the next.
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