How to Grow Pink Lemon Trees
How to Grow Pink Lemon Trees. For something different in your yard or garden, try planting a pink lemon tree. This variety of Eureka lemon, sometimes known as "Pink Lemonade" makes an interesting variety of fruit bearer, producing pink fleshed lemons with clear juice that is very acidic in flavor. The leaves of the tree are variegated yellow and...
For something different in your yard or garden, try planting a pink lemon tree. This variety of Eureka lemon, sometimes known as "Pink Lemonade" makes an interesting variety of fruit bearer, producing pink fleshed lemons with clear juice that is very acidic in flavor. The leaves of the tree are variegated yellow and green, making for attractive foliage and an excellent addition to your landscaping. Fuschia flowers are an added bonus. Once your tree produces lemons, you can whip up a pitcher of real, honest to goodness pink lemonade.
Things You'll Need
Pink Lemon Tree
Determine what planting zone you live in. A pink lemon tree grows best outdoors in zones 9 through 11. if you do not live in one of these zones, plant the pink lemon tree indoors.
Select a sunny spot in the yard that has soil that drains well, if the trees will be grown outdoors. Planting the tree in a sheltered location, such as near the wall of a house, can provide protection against freezing during winter months. You may also wish to select a spot that has shrubbery or other small trees nearby to help insulate the pink lemon tree.
Plant the tree in the ground. Dig a hole twice as wide and 1 1/2 times as deep as the pot the tree is currently in. Water the hole until it floods. To loosen the roots, tap on the pot all the way around. Slide the lemon tree out of the pot and place it in the hole so that the top of the root base sits approximately 2-inches above the ground.
Fill in the hole with the removed soil. Water thoroughly. Consistency is the key with ongoing watering. Soil should be kept moist, but never soggy. Watering deeply once or twice a week tends to work well.
String Christmas lights around your tree for some protection against the cold during winter months. Draping a blanket loosely over the tree also helps protect against frost.
Consider growing your pink lemon tree outdoors in a pot, for another option. This method allows you to move the plant around, experimenting to find the best location in your yard for premium growth. You can also winterize the plant indoors this way. If you choose to grow one in a pot, be sure the pot you select is at least three times the size of the root ball. Use a soil mix that is lightweight and drains well.
Grow a pink lemon tree indoors if you live in a zone that is not warm enough to plant outdoors. Follow the same pot and soil selection instructions from step 6. Be sure to place the pot in a spot that gets at least 8 hours of sunlight a day. A grow light can also be used for simulated sunshine. Water the tree consistently and deeply, approximately twice a week. Indoor air may dry out the soil more quickly, especially in winter. Check to be sure the soil stays moist. Water more frequently if necessary.
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