How to Grow Moss
How to Grow Moss. Moss Is a beautiful addition to the garden. Moss adds a soft texture to the landscape and makes the garden feel more lush. I have even seen gardens where the only thing they grow is moss. Growing moss is really quite easy. Here are some tips on how you can grow moss.
Moss Is a beautiful addition to the garden. Moss adds a soft texture to the landscape and makes the garden feel more lush. I have even seen gardens where the only thing they grow is moss. Growing moss is really quite easy. Here are some tips on how you can grow moss.
Things You'll Need
Plain Yogurt
Metal Brush
First, you need to select the proper growing site for your moss. Moss needs a cool, moist, shady area in order to survive.
One way to make a moss garden is to take one cup of plain yogurt and 1 cup of water and a handful of moss and toss it in the blender and make a slurry. Then you can paint the moss slurry on the area where you want to have moss grow. Another mouse making recipe is to mix up 1 quart buttermilk, 1 pint composted manure, and one pint of moss.
Some people like to grow moss on a pot or statue to give it an old-fashioned mossy look. In order to get the moss to stick you must first use metal brush lightly scratch the surface of your container is creates small cracks where your moss can stick in grow. Paint the slurry on the container or statue and move into a cool shady spot. Keep the moss slurry moist by misting it with your hose. You can even place the newly painted mossy container in a shallow pan filled with water to keep the humidity high. In a few weeks the moss will take hold and you will have a beautiful mossy container or statue.
Tips & Warnings
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