How to Garden in an Apartment
Want to create your own garden oasis? Follow these simple rules and all your indoor gardening dreams will come true (even if you have a black thumb).
Have you ever looked on in envy when passing a beautiful brownstone, with ivy crawling up the wall and a quaint little outdoor garden space on the front lawn? I think all the garden groupies have been there. Don't throw away your dreams just yet! An indoor garden is possible, even in a small studio walkup. Simply follow these steps, and you'll be living in a bohemian wonderland in no time.
1. Choose Your Garden Type
From succulents tucked into driftwood to a self-sustaining veggie garden, start by committing to one specific type of garden (you can always expand later). Are you looking to see pretty flowers every morning? Add fresh herbs to add to your pasta dishes? Pick a garden and pursue.

2. Select Plants Based on Your Apartment's Light
The sky's the limit when it comes to crafting your indoor garden ... with the exception of your apartment's natural light. Before committing to a specific plant, make sure the light from your windows can sustain it (for example, East-facing has the weakest light). As a general rule of thumb, these are the best plants for apartment dwellers, but don't be deterred if you're practically windowless. Even if you have no light, you can still grow a little sanctuary.

3. Treat Your Plant Holders Like Home Decor
When you have a small interior, every element must have a purpose — including the pots your plants call home. Even if it means placing them in a DIY minimalist concrete planter, make sure every little piece of your indoor puzzle adds ambiance to your space, not clutter.

4. Know When It's Time to Re-Pot
If you want to keep your plants living happy, beautiful lives, make sure to re-pot them every year. This will help prevent root rot and other growth-related issues. It's also a great opportunity to freshen up your planters.

5. Hide Your Potting Soil in Plain Sight
Not sure where to store your messy potting soil to make for less clean up, but same easy accessibility? Try transforming a simple decorative storage item into a secret home for your soil.

6. Want a No-Maintenance Garden? Try an Air Plant.
Feeling intimidated by an all-out garden situation? Try caring for a few air plants. Not only are these little guys cheap to purchase, they can live almost anywhere and require very little maintenance. Sprinkle them around your apartment for a noncommittal garden option.

7. Never Let a Black Thumb Deter You
If all else fails and you're doubting your green thumb abilities, don't. Before giving up, give these five black thumb-proof houseplants a try. Never give up on your garden dreams!

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