How to Stop Weeds From Growing
How to Stop Weeds From Growing. Whether in your garden, the cracks of your sidewalk or throughout a newly planted flowerbed, weeds seem to be unavoidable. Pulling weeds or simply mowing over them is a temporary solution that might work for a week. Other techniques and products allow for an easier and longer-lasting solution.

Whether in your garden, the cracks of your sidewalk or throughout a newly planted flowerbed, weeds seem to be unavoidable. Pulling weeds or simply mowing over them is a temporary solution that might work for a week. Other techniques and products allow for an easier and longer-lasting solution.
Things You'll Need
Landscape fabric
Install landscape fabric directly on the soil. Create openings for flowers and vegetables and cut slits for shrubs or trees. The fabric works by shielding the area underneath from sun and air, not allowing weeds to grow.
Spread mulch, such as wood chips, around the base of plants. Similar to landscape fabric, mulch prevents weeds from growing by restricting air and sunlight. Mulch can be used as a decorative touch to your garden as well. You can place mulch directly over the landscape fabric, allowing for twice the protection against weeds. Mulching can involve organic or inorganic compounds, including stones and plastic rocks.
Inhibit plant growth by applying weed killer, either pre-emergent or post-emergent, although home gardeners should not typically need herbicides, notes the University of California IPM Online. Still, herbicides can be useful in areas such as your sidewalk or an unreachable mowing area around the house. It also helps once a garden is established and there is no other way to put down landscape fabric or mulch. Avoid overspraying plants that are wanted.
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