How to Make Rose Fertilizer - Organic
How to Make Rose Fertilizer - Organic. You can help your roses flourish by recycling brewed coffee grounds. The grounds contain up to 2 percent nitrogen and lesser amounts of potassium, calcium and magnesium, nutrients roses can use. Use brewed grounds from your own coffee maker, or collect them from friends or local coffee shops.

You can help your roses flourish by recycling brewed coffee grounds. The grounds contain up to 2 percent nitrogen and lesser amounts of potassium, calcium and magnesium, nutrients roses can use. Use brewed grounds from your own coffee maker, or collect them from friends or local coffee shops.
Things You'll Need
5-gallon bucket
Fill a 5-gallon bucket with warm water. Add 1/2 lb. of wet coffee grounds. Let the concoction sit in the sun for a day, then pour the liquid around your roses.
Spread a thin layer -- up to 1/2 inch -- of damp coffee grounds onto the soil around your roses to improve the soil texture. Coffee grounds can form a crust over the soil if they dry out, so cover them with a thicker layer of organic mulch. You also can mix a small amount of coffee grounds into the soil, but add a nitrogen fertilizer at the same time, recommends the Oregon State University Extension Service.
Add coffee grounds to your compost pile. The Oregon State University Extension recommends layering your compost pile with one-third dry leaves, one-third fresh grass clippings and one-third coffee grounds. When the materials have decomposed, add the compost to your rose garden soil.
Tips & Warnings
Use straight coffee grounds on your roses in moderation.
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