How to Care for and Keep African Violets Happy
How to Care for and Keep African Violets Happy. African Violets can be easy to keep and last for a long time. Here are some tips to care for and keep them happy.

African Violets can be easy to keep and last for a long time. Here are some tips to care for and keep them happy.
Things You'll Need
Light source
Small pots
Slightly larger recipients for bottom watering
African Violet fertilizer
New soil for repotting
Keep them near a window or source of light. African Violets need light to keep healthy and to produce flowers. Make sure they get indirect sunlight or other source of light at least part of the day.

Do not wet their leaves. A practical way to water them is to put their container or pot inside larger recipient filled up to about 1/3 with water (water from the bottom up). That way the soil soaks up the water. You can water from the top down very carefully once in a while to wash salt deposits from the soil.

African violets do well in room temperatures between 65 and 90 degrees. Extremely high or low temperatures can damage your violets.
Remember to feed your violets with African violet fertilizer once a month. You can buy water soluble fertilizer and add it to the water recipient surrounding your African violet pot.

African violets like small pots and like to be repotted at least once a year. Use new soil and clean the roots of your violets very carefully.

Tips & Warnings
Preferably water African violets with rain water or water with no chemicals in it.
Do not expose African violets to direct sun for too long
If you are using tap water for watering let it sit for 8 hours before using so chemicals set. African violets are sensitive to chemicals in the water.
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