How to Remove Barbed Wire Fencing
How to Remove Barbed Wire Fencing. Typically you will use a barbed wire fence to keep objects either in or out of your yard. This may be to keep your farm animals from escaping or predators from entering your land. Whatever the reason, you may find it necessary at some point to remove the barbed wiring. Despite the jagged edges of the fencing, it...
Typically you will use a barbed wire fence to keep objects either in or out of your yard. This may be to keep your farm animals from escaping or predators from entering your land. Whatever the reason, you may find it necessary at some point to remove the barbed wiring. Despite the jagged edges of the fencing, it is not as difficult as removing other fences that are completely inserted into the ground.
Things You'll Need
Wire cutters
Barbed wire gloves
Put on your barbed wired work gloves. These will help protect your hands from the jagged edges but you should still try to avoid those barbs if at all possible. Wire fences with small prickers such as chicken wire should not offer much resistance to your gloves. However, barbed wire fencing with longer jagged edges is more likely to have pieces break off. Those pieces can find their way into the gloves or other articles of clothing you are wearing.
Cut right where the wiring meets the metal poles in the ground. Hold one end of the wire firm while you are cutting the fence. The fence may spring up when cut, so holding it with your free hand will keep it from striking your skin.
Coil up the wire until you reach the next pole. Do this as if you were wrapping an extension cord. Take your time and watch out for any loose clothing. If you coil the wire too rapidly it may catch and tear what you are wearing.
Cut the wire where it meets this pole as well. Repeat this process with all the sections of wiring until all the barbed wire has been removed. Place the small coil of wire into a box or something solid (no bags). This will allow you to move the barbed wire fencing pieces without cutting anything or anyone.
Wiggle the poles back and forth until they can be pulled out completely from the ground. This shouldn't be terribly difficult as the poles will only go straight down into the ground around a foot or so.
Tips & Warnings
Do not throw the barbed wire away. Because it is made out of metal you can recycle the fencing. A facility that deals with scrap metal may actually pay you for the metal. The pay is typically determined by weight, so don't expect a whole lot of money for it.
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