How to Build A Garden Trellis Fast
How to Build A Garden Trellis Fast. Building a garden trellis can be easy. Not to mention save you a little of cash. Building your own garden arbor or trellis allows you to get the exact size trellis you are looking for. Here is a step by step guide on how to make a garden trellis fast.

Building a garden trellis can be easy. Not to mention save you a little of cash. Building your own garden arbor or trellis allows you to get the exact size trellis you are looking for. Here is a step by step guide on how to make a garden trellis fast.
Things You'll Need
Circular saw
1 1/2 inch nails
1x3 Boards
Tape Measure
Determine what size garden trellis you will need. You should get it down to a length by width figure. Most garden trellises are wider than they are tall for structural purposes. Once you have your dimensions, write them down on a piece of paper.
Take the height and divide it by 2. We will be putting one 1x3 board ever 2 or so feet. Now take that number and multiply it by the width your planning to make your trellis.
Now do the same thing with the width. So your going to divide the width by 2 then multiply that number by the height of the garden trellis.
Once you have your two numbers, add them both together and divide that number by 10. This will give you the total number of 1X3 boards you need to build your garden tressil. We divide that number by 10 because 1x3 boards come in 10ft lengths. Now add 1 more 10ft 1x3 to the order. This will compensate for the extra length that we will need to anchor the tressil in the ground.
Cut the number of boards you got from step two into the appropriate heights and lay them flat on a cement surface spacing them out every two feet. Leave each end board 3 ft longer than the middle boards on one side for our anchors.
Now cut the rest of the boards to the correct width and lay them perpendicular across the boards you already have on the ground, spacing them two feet apart as well. The final result should look like a checker board with two longer boards sticking out on the bottom.
Having a friend hold the boards in place, nail each board together at the intersections.
Dig two 2 1/2 foot deep holes for the legs of your trellis and then set the legs into the holes. Now fill the dirt in and your finished. Make sure to pack the dirt as hard as possible for optimum support. If your building an extra large trellis, fill the holes with anchoring cement before putting the legs in.
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