How to Rid your yard of MOLES, VOLES, Gophers for FREE
How to Rid your yard of MOLES, VOLES, Gophers for FREE. I had a brainstorm one day!! WHAT do ANIMALS HATE?? ANSWER: THIER OWN NATURAL PREDATOR. I asked myself what animal a mole would consider to be a natural predator. ANSWER: a cat or dog.Better news...I had both, a cat and a dog. I discovered a method of ridding my yard of mole tunnels out of...

I had a brainstorm one day!! WHAT do ANIMALS HATE?? ANSWER: THIER OWN NATURAL PREDATOR. I asked myself what animal a mole would consider to be a natural predator. ANSWER: a cat or dog.
Better news...I had both, a cat and a dog.
I discovered a method of ridding my yard of mole tunnels out of desperation.
The solution: making the mole tunnels
SMELL like a dog and a cat were nearby.
Things You'll Need
Doggie "do-do" (feces)
Kittie "do-do"
Collect kittie do-do from the litter box. I saved my cat feces in an empty coffee can. Likewise, collect doggie do-do from the backyard. If you don't have a cat or dog you probably have a friend who does.
This process is FREE. You have nothing to lose by trying it. I tried all those expensive lawn care mixtures and they did not work. In fact, I think my problem got worse with them. I even tried those expensive electonic gizmos that you have to keep filled with size D batteries (for another expense); I had a mole move in next to one; that is how poorly THAT worked for me.

Next, go to the mole tunnels that are at the surface of your yard and use using a garden trowel dig a little until you see the tunnel. Take of scoop of dog or cat do-do and place it in the tunnel. Close the tunnel back up with the same dirt.
If your cat do-do has clumping cat litter on it that is FINE, too. In fact, you know how that clumping litter is sticky; well, I think that further discourages the rodents. And since the feces and litter are UNDER the ground in the tunnel it does not bother anything else.
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