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How to Plant White Cedar Trees

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How to Plant White Cedar Trees

How to Plant White Cedar Trees. Thuja occidentalis, also known as the white cedar tree, is a landscape evergreen that is popularly used for hedges. White cedars are versatile trees that grow well in a variety of climates and lighting conditions. Learning to plant and care for your white cedar tree is simple.

Thuja occidentalis, also known as the white cedar tree, is a landscape evergreen that is popularly used for hedges. White cedars are versatile trees that grow well in a variety of climates and lighting conditions. Learning to plant and care for your white cedar tree is simple.
Things You'll Need
White cedar tree
Garden shears
Check to see if white cedar trees can be grown in your area. White cedar trees grow best in USDA plant hardiness zones 2 through 7. Consult the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map to determine your hardiness zone. A link to the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map is provided in the Resources section of this article. Regardless of which hardiness zone you live in, wait to plant your white cedar tree until after the last frost.
Plant your white cedar tree in a location that receives full or partial sun. Dig a hole that is two times as wide and one and a half times as deep as the nursery container holding your white cedar. Remove the white cedar tree from the container and lower it into the hole. Fill the hole halfway full with soil, then lightly water. Fill the hole the rest of the way with soil. Water your newly-planted white cedar again to eliminate any air bubbles in the soil.
Water your white cedar tree as often as is necessary to keep the soil moist. Water at least once a week until your white cedar tree is established. Turn a garden hose on to a slow drip and let it run for up to 20 minutes to give the water time to sink deep into the soil. After the roots of your white cedar tree establish themselves, water every two weeks, or as necessary to maintain soil moisture.
Fertilize your white cedar tree once a year with a time-release fertilizer that has been specially formulated for evergreen trees. If you prefer to use an organic fertilizer blend, manure or fish emulsion, more frequent applications may be necessary to maintain the health of your white cedar tree.
Prune your young white cedar tree to a single trunk to reduce the risk of storm damage. Remove any diseased or damaged foliage or branches as necessary.
Tips & Warnings
You can spread a one to two inch layer of a natural mulch like bark chips around the base of your white cedar to help conserve soil moisture.
Do not over-fertilize your white cedar tree. Fertilizing too much or too often can burn or kill your white cedar.

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