How to Propagate Honeysuckle Vine
How to Propagate Honeysuckle Vine. Honeysuckle vine (Lonicera) is relatively easy to grow and can be as long as 10 feet. These vines grow along a trellis or fence and can be used as ground cover. Many varieties of honeysuckle exist, and they bloom yellow flowers that slowly turn pink throughout the spring and summer. Propagate this vine by layering...

Honeysuckle vine (Lonicera) is relatively easy to grow and can be as long as 10 feet. These vines grow along a trellis or fence and can be used as ground cover. Many varieties of honeysuckle exist, and they bloom yellow flowers that slowly turn pink throughout the spring and summer. Propagate this vine by layering in the early spring while the vine is still flexible and dormant. Anyone can multiply honeysuckle vine by following some simple steps.
Things You'll Need
Wooden stakes
Bend a year-old stem to the ground.
Hold the stem down, 6 to 9 inches from the end, with a heavy object such as a brick. Make the stem form a U-shape.
Cut the middle part of the stem with a knife. This will help stimulate new growth. Make the cut 1 or 2 inches long.
Cover the base and the middle part of the stem that you cut with dirt, but leave the tip above ground.
Place a 2-foot wooden stake next to the plant once it begins to grow. If you did the layering in the spring, the shoot should take root by the end of the next season. You can remove it from the other plant after it starts to root and move it to its permanent location.
Tips & Warnings
Another way to propagate honeysuckle vine is by leaf bud cuttings. One type of cutting--double eye cutting--can be done by making one cut above a pair of leaves and a lower incision halfway between the leaf joints. Dip the end in a rooting hormone. Place the stem in well-drained soil in a cup or container so it can produce roots. Store the cutting in a warm room with plenty of sunlight and water regularly. Cover the cuttings with a plastic bag to keep the heat in. When the cuttings have rooted in 2 to 3 weeks, you can take them out of the container and occasionally let them get used to the outdoors . When it's warm enough outdoors, you can plant them in an area with partial sun and well-drained soil.
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