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How to Grow Cape Honeysuckle

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How to Grow Cape Honeysuckle

How to Grow Cape Honeysuckle. Cape honeysuckle is an evergreen vine or shrub with orange trumpet-shaped flowers. It can only be grown outdoors in the southernmost regions of the United States as is it susceptible to winter frosts. It is a drought and heat tolerant plant; if you are in the right region it is not difficult to grow. Sometimes, plants...

Cape honeysuckle is an evergreen vine or shrub with orange trumpet-shaped flowers. It can only be grown outdoors in the southernmost regions of the United States as is it susceptible to winter frosts. It is a drought and heat tolerant plant; if you are in the right region it is not difficult to grow. Sometimes, plants can reach up to 30 feet tall. With some knowledge on how to care for the cape honeysuckle, you will soon have a beautiful vine or shrub.
Things You'll Need
Cape honeysuckle plant
Pruning shears
Plant cuttings or seeds in an area with well-drained soil and full sun. Water lightly daily, taking care not to soak the soil, until the plant takes root.
Place a 2 to 3-inch layer of mulch around the base of the plant. This will improve water retention, protect the roots and keep weeds from growing.
Water the cape honeysuckle plant deeply once a week when it is established. Let the plant dry out in between waterings.
Fertilize the plant monthly during the warm growing season. Use a liquid fertilizer, mixing only a small amount with water in a watering can and watering the plant.
Maintain the plant so it does not get out of hand. If you are growing it as a vine, train it along a trellis. For shrub form, prune the branches so that the top is thinner in width than the base of the plant, allowing the buds at the bottom to get sun. If there is any frost damage after the winter, take off all branches that are damaged.

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