How to Grow Sterilized Hemp Seeds
How to Grow Sterilized Hemp Seeds. Sterilization is used in hemp seed production to ensure that the plant does not grow into new plants. Legal hemp seeds contain little or no THC strains, which is the chemical that produces the high associated with the plant. Hemp plants provide landscapes with beautiful foliage that can be planted next to other...
Sterilization is used in hemp seed production to ensure that the plant does not grow into new plants. Legal hemp seeds contain little or no THC strains, which is the chemical that produces the high associated with the plant. Hemp plants provide landscapes with beautiful foliage that can be planted next to other ornamental plants. In addition, the plant is very resistant to most weeds, making them easy to maintain in large backyards.
Things You'll Need
Soil pH test
Conduct a soil pH test to the planting site. Hemp plants grow in a pH range of 5.0 to 7.5. Dig a hole 6 inches deep and collect soil samples for your sterilized containers. Mail the samples to the address provided on the soil pH testing kit and wait for the results. Add lime to soil that is too acidic and sulfur to alkaline soil.
Check the draining capabilities of your soil. Hemp seed is very sensitive to waterlogged or compacted soil. Grab a handful of soil and squeeze. Soil that releases soil droplets is too wet, soil that breaks into clumps is too dry, and soil that is malleable in the hand has adequate draining. For waterlogged soil, till equal amounts of compost and sand into the soil.
Remove any vegetation from the planting site. Other plants will compete with your hemp seeds for nutrients and water. Use herbicide to kill off any weeds or grass.
Till the soil with a tiller. Make sure the soil has reached temperatures of at least 41 to 46 degrees F. with a soil thermometer. Broadcast 250 to 400 seeds over a square meter of planting site. With a rake, lightly cover the seeds with 1 inch of soil. Planting hemp seeds at a depth greater than 2 inches will result in varied emergence times.
Water the planting site thoroughly. Make sure the hemp plants get at least 1 inch of water a week.
Each spring, fertilize your hemp plants with a fertilizer that has an NPK ratio of 4-12-8. Conduct a soil pH test each year to make sure that your pH range hasn't changed, especially if you've added compost to the planting site.
Tips & Warnings
Inspect your seeds before broadcasting to remove any damaged or discolored hemp seeds.
You must get a permit to grow hemp plants.
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