How to Plant Tiger Lily Bulbs
How to Plant Tiger Lily Bulbs. Tiger lilies, with their electric orange and brown-speckled bloom, are a staple in any wildflower garden. Planting tiger lily bulbs is both easy and affordable and can yield years of enjoyment because of their hardiness as a perennial. One need only drive along a rural road and see an abandoned farmhouse surrounded by...

Tiger lilies, with their electric orange and brown-speckled bloom, are a staple in any wildflower garden. Planting tiger lily bulbs is both easy and affordable and can yield years of enjoyment because of their hardiness as a perennial. One need only drive along a rural road and see an abandoned farmhouse surrounded by tiger lilies to know how this special flower that originated in Asia can thrive for decades without requiring much attention.
Things You'll Need
Tiger lily bulbs
11-48-0 or 16-20-0 fertilizer
Seek a sunny, well-drained location to build your tiger lily bed. Buy bulbs in the fall and plant by mid-October. Dig holes approximately 6 inches deep, leaving 12 to 18 inches between each hole.
Place 11-48-0 or 16-20-0 fertilizer in the hole. Plant bulbs in groups of three in each hole you have dug. Position roots downward so the bulbs' scales are situated on top. Cover the bulbs with dirt, tamping down the soil firmly to eliminate any air pockets that could dry out the tiger lilies' roots.
Water thoroughly. Provide up to three more soakings before the ground freezes in the fall, which will help the bulbs establish roots and endure over the winter.
Apply another round of fertilizer in early spring before the plant's shoots break the surface of the soil. Apply 1 to 2 ounces of fertilizer per 10 square feet. Provide periodic watering, ensuring moisture reaches the bulbs and their roots.
Remove spent flowers after blooming, being sure to leave leaves intact. Weed occasionally.
Tips & Warnings
Tiger lilies are mid-summer bloomers, typically showing off their brightest colors in July.
If after several years, tiger lilies will appear short and spindly if bulbs become overcrowded. Clumps of bulbs can be carefully split apart. Excess bulb material can be planted elsewhere.
Avoid using manure when planting tiger lilies.
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