How to Care for an Easter Cactus
How to Care for an Easter Cactus. Like the more familiar Christmas cactus, the Easter cactus is a flowering jungle cactus. Because this cactus originated in the jungle rather than the arid regions common among cactus plants, its care is slightly different than that of other cactus plants. The Easter cactus can survive cold up to 28 degrees...
Like the more familiar Christmas cactus, the Easter cactus is a flowering jungle cactus. Because this cactus originated in the jungle rather than the arid regions common among cactus plants, its care is slightly different than that of other cactus plants. The Easter cactus can survive cold up to 28 degrees Fahrenheit, but is commonly brought indoors during the winter months so you can manage its light and watering requirements.
Things You'll Need
Place the cactus in a cool environment during its dormant period of October to February. You'll want to water the plant only when the soil has dried out between waterings. To tell if it's the right time, touch the soil with your fingers. If the soil clings to your fingers, it's still wet. Water when the soil slips off your fingers.
Move the Easter cactus into a colder environment, about 50 to 55 F, toward the end of the dormant season as buds begin to develop. If temperatures are much warmer, your Easter cactus will not bloom.
Move the Easter cactus to a warmer room with more light once the buds are established. You'll want to keep a temperature near 60 degrees Fahrenheit while the plant is blooming, typically from April to May. Make sure you water deeply during this time, and water while the soil is still moist.
Move the plant outside during summer months to benefit from the natural sunlight. Keep an Easter cactus in a partially sunny spot. If you live in an area that has slugs, place the plant in a hanging basket to avoid a slug infestation. Move the plant indoors by September or October to get it ready for the dormant season.
Place the plant in a cool room. Keep the soil moist but don't offer too much water. Continue to care for your Easter cactus in this fashion until February when new blooms begin to appear.
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