How to Care for Amazon Sword Plants
How to Care for Amazon Sword Plants. The Amazon sword aquarium plant is an easy to care for plant for beginning hobbyists. The plant grows up to 20 inches in height and does well in large aquariums where it can be planted individually as focal point or in groupings with other aquatic plants as a backdrop for your aquarium. The Amazon sword grows...

The Amazon sword aquarium plant is an easy to care for plant for beginning hobbyists. The plant grows up to 20 inches in height and does well in large aquariums where it can be planted individually as focal point or in groupings with other aquatic plants as a backdrop for your aquarium. The Amazon sword grows hardily even when placed with fish that chew on live plants.
Things You'll Need
Amazon sword plant
Nutrient rich loose substrate gravel
Aquarium thermometer
Aquarium pH test kit
Aquarium pH chemicals
Chelated iron aquarium fertilizer
Full-spectrum lighting
Plant Amazon sword plants in an aquarium environment with loose-substrate aquarium gravel that is rich in plant nutrients.
Maintain the water temperature at 72 to 82 degrees F. Place a thermometer in the aquarium to monitor the temperature.
Test the water pH every other week or at the time of aquarium cleaning as the Amazon sword plant prefers a pH of 6.5 to 7.5. Apply aquarium pH chemicals if the pH needs adjustment.
Add an iron-rich fertilizer to the aquarium planting substrate at the time of planting. Apply a chelated iron aquarium plant fertilizer if the plant turns yellow in color as this is a sign of low iron.
Provide the appropriate amount of light for the Amazon sword plant by maintaining a minimum of 2 watts of full-spectrum lighting per gallon of aquarium water.
Propagate the Amazon sword plant by carefully removing plant buds that grow off the parent plant. The new buds will have their own root system that must be carefully untangled from the parent plant roots. Dig the entire plant to remove the buds if necessary. Replant both the parent and baby plants.
Tips & Warnings
The Amazon sword plant will adapt to both hard- and soft-water conditions.
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