How to Get Rid of Bees Behind a Brick Wall
How to Get Rid of Bees Behind a Brick Wall. Bee infestations can be a serious problem. Typically, when bees infest brick walls, they build nests or hives in between wall studs. Because the hives are not visible, it is difficult to determine the number of nests there are or how large the bee swarm is. You will need to take extreme measures to...

Bee infestations can be a serious problem. Typically, when bees infest brick walls, they build nests or hives in between wall studs. Because the hives are not visible, it is difficult to determine the number of nests there are or how large the bee swarm is. You will need to take extreme measures to eradicate these insects.
Things You'll Need
Masonry tools
Thick clothing that covers all skin
Safety goggles
Pesticide spray
Inspect the brick wall to determine where the buzzing sounds are loudest.
Use masonry tools to carefully cut mortar and extract the bricks. If the bricks are not damaged, you can use them to restore the wall.
Locate all bee hives.
Spray the hives generously with pesticide.
Spray the hives again the following evening.
Remove the bee hives after all of the bees are dead.
Use the masonry tools and mortar to replace the brick.
Tips & Warnings
If you are not feeling up to the task of extracting and replacing the brick on your wall, hire a professional.
Bees are aggressive when attacked. When spraying the hives, wear several layers of clothing to avoid being stung.
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