How to Restring Hammocks
How to Restring Hammocks. If the rope inside your hammock breaks, it is not necessary to contact the manufacturer. Restring it using a new rope that is rated for the weight of the person(s) using the hammock, and you will not have any problems. Once your hammock is back in working order, hang it from two sturdy end posts or trees.

If the rope inside your hammock breaks, it is not necessary to contact the manufacturer. Restring it using a new rope that is rated for the weight of the person(s) using the hammock, and you will not have any problems. Once your hammock is back in working order, hang it from two sturdy end posts or trees.
Things You'll Need
2 trees or sturdy posts
Measuring tape
Locate the channel along the width and length of the hammock. A channel is the flap of material that is sewn over to prevent fraying along the edge of your hammock and is also used to string rope.
Check that the channel on the width side of the hammock is free of broken rope, which could be the case if the previous rope snapped during use. If it is not, guide the rope from the channel using your hands. You’ll have to gather the hammock in your hands to create slack and then guide the old or broken rope from the channel, wiggling it out if necessary.
String a new rope through the channel. Use a similar method to the one you used to remove the old rope. Push the tag end of the rope forward, inside the channel. Pass the rope several inches inside the channel and then straighten the channel behind the rope to remove slack. Continue until the rope exits out of the other end. Repeat on the other side of the hammock. You are only stringing the width side, not the length side.
Hang the hammock from two sturdy posts or two trees, located at a distance of 13 to 18 feet apart. Hang the hammock two to three feet above the ground. Take a visual measurement of the distance or use measuring tape.
Tips & Warnings
Check the packaging on the rope you use for weight rating information.
Tie the hammock using the sheet bend technique. Make a loop and then pass the tag end through the loop. Pass the tag end back around the loop and close the knot. Repeat on each end to hang your hammock.
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