How to Grow Grass Easily in Shady Locations
How to Grow Grass Easily in Shady Locations. A large expanse of healthy, green grass is something that many homeowners desire. While growing a healthy lawn takes some work, it is usually a successful endeavor if there is enough sunlight present. In shady locations, the task of growing grass is more difficult. The lack of sunlight makes grass more...
A large expanse of healthy, green grass is something that many homeowners desire. While growing a healthy lawn takes some work, it is usually a successful endeavor if there is enough sunlight present. In shady locations, the task of growing grass is more difficult. The lack of sunlight makes grass more susceptible to disease and many grass seeds will not even germinate. The most important step in making grass grow easily in the shade is to choose the proper grass type.
Things You'll Need
Pole saw
Hand saw
Wide-toothed rake
Grass seed
Purchase a grass seed that is tolerant of shade. According to the University of Iowa, some of the best shade tolerant grasses for cool climates are hard fescue, creeping red fescue and chewings fescue. In warmer southern climates, choose centipede or zoysia grass seed.
Prune off overhanging tree branches to allow some sunlight into the area, which will make growing grass easier. Use a pole saw for small limbs and a ladder and handsaw for thicker limbs. According to the Seedland website, you should remove 35 percent of the lower tree limbs for the best light penetration.
Wait until late summer or mid-spring to plant the grass seed in the shady location.
Rake the area to a 1/2-inch depth using a wide-toothed rake to loosen the soil in preparation for planting.
Spread the grass seeds in an even layer over the soil surface at the rate specified on the grass seed package.
Rake the entire area again lightly with the rake to work the newly planted grass seeds into the soil.
Water the soil in the shady location until the top 1/2 inch of soil is wet. Water at least once per day with an additional 1/2 inch of water until the grass seeds germinate.
Tips & Warnings
Grass in shady areas should never be mowed lower than 3 inches in height.
Rake the area frequently in the fall to remove leaves, pine straw and other organic matter that will prevent the grass from growing.
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