How to Grow Black Russian Tomatoes
How to Grow Black Russian Tomatoes. If you thought a black Russian was something served up in a drink, you might be surprised that it is the name of an heirloom tomato, as well. These semi-determinate tomatoes are prized from the their unusual color and their intense flavor. So dark, they are almost black, these tomatoes are medium-size and...
If you thought a black Russian was something served up in a drink, you might be surprised that it is the name of an heirloom tomato, as well. These semi-determinate tomatoes are prized from the their unusual color and their intense flavor. So dark, they are almost black, these tomatoes are medium-size and resemble the beefsteak tomato. Hardier than most tomatoes, black Russians mature in 75 days and can even survive in partial shade.
Things You'll Need
Prepared garden bed
Tomato cages
Water-soluble foliar feeder
Harden off tomato seedlings by placing them in a sheltered location outside during the day for a week or two. Begin by placing them in an area that receives dappled sun and is sheltered from high winds. Gradually move the plants to more exposure until they are able to withstand full sun and tolerate winds. This strengthens the plants and acclimates them to outside growing conditions.
Transplant seedlings in late spring after the danger of frost has passed in your area. Dig a hole twice the size of the root ball of the seedling. Insert the seedling into the soil so that 4 inches of the stem remains above the soil level. Fill in around the roots and stem with soil and firm down with your hands to secure the plant. Planting them deeply causes roots to form along the stem creating a strong root system capable of supporting the weight of the growing plant and resulting fruit.
Water thoroughly to moisten the soil to the root level. Keep soil moist until new growth appears. Reduce watering to once or twice a week. Water to saturate the soil to the root level when soil feel dry 1 inch below the surface of the soil.
Place a tomato cage over the seedling, anchoring it securely by pushing the extended pegs 4 to 6 inches into the soil.
Guide new growth through the center of the cage. New growth shoots up quickly once the plant is established. Check your plants often to prevent stray branches from veering outside the cage or becoming trapped under wires.
Pinch out suckers as they appear. Suckers grow between the main branch and side branches and can soon overtake the plant. Some prefer to leave three or four main stems to increase yield.
Apply foliar feeder, a water-soluble formula that can be absorbed through the leaves, on a 10- to 14-day schedule during periods of active growth. Allow excess foliar feeder to drip into the soil. Roots quickly absorb the excess nutrients.
Monitor plants daily for any signs of insect infestation or disease. (See Resources for common tomato problems.) Treat plants immediately to prevent further damage.
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