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How to Make a Bougainvillea Bonsai

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How to Make a Bougainvillea Bonsai

How to Make a Bougainvillea Bonsai. The bougainvillea plant is a vibrantly colored evergreen that thrives in warm, sunny locations. This vigorously growing tropical is a natural climber, yet it adapts into a bushy miniature tree when nurtured as bonsai. A late bloomer, the flowers of the bougainvillea range from white to hues of reds and purples...

The bougainvillea plant is a vibrantly colored evergreen that thrives in warm, sunny locations. This vigorously growing tropical is a natural climber, yet it adapts into a bushy miniature tree when nurtured as bonsai. A late bloomer, the flowers of the bougainvillea range from white to hues of reds and purples and bloom mostly in the winter and spring months, though some may bloom year-round.
Things You'll Need
Pruning shears
Potting container
Potting soil
Pine bark
Peat moss
Plant your bougainvillea in a shallow container with a depth equivalent to the diameter of the bougainvillea's trunk. Make sure the container has several drainage holes at the bottom. Choose 5-gallon containers for large bougainvillea plants, but expect them to grow as climbing vines rather than bushy plants.
Mix together equal amounts of nutrient-rich soil, perlite, fresh peat moss and pine bark. Incorporate the materials thoroughly to promote a well-balanced, well-drained soil environment for the bougainvilla.
Place your bougainvillea on a flat, clean surface. Remove the plant from its container. Brush excess soil gently from the root system and check for damaged roots. Cut off no more than one-third of the plant's roots to prevent stunting and damage.
Line the bottom one-third of the container with your soil mixture. Position the bougainvillea in the center of the container, then backfill with the remaining soil. Make sure no roots are showing from the surface. Press the soil firmly around the bougainvillea bonsai to secure its upright position.
Irrigate your bougainvillea with tepid water immediately after repotting, until water flows evenly from the drainage holes. Water at the base of the bonsai to keep the blooms and foliage dry and reduce the potential of disease. Allow the container to rest until the water no longer flows. Let your bougainvillea's soil dry slightly between waterings.
Place your bougainvillea bonsai in a warm location that receives bright light for at least eight hours a day, to promote plentiful blooms. Keep your bougainvillea away from locations with extreme temperature variations, such as drafty doorways, heating vents and air conditioners.
Fertilize your bougainvillea regularly to promote consistent blooms. Feed your bougainvillea with a well-balanced, water-soluble fertilizer, such as 20-20-20 or 10-10-10. Apply at half-strength to avoid over-fertilizing, and follow the fertilizer instructions carefully.
Prune your bougainvillea bonsai monthly throughout the year. Trim the bonsai with sharp, sterile pruning shears. Remove any unwanted foliage and sprouts, as well as spent blooms and dying or wilting areas.
Allow your bougainvillea bonsai to become root-bound before repotting.

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