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How to Care for a Jasminum Polyanthum

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How to Care for a Jasminum Polyanthum

How to Care for a Jasminum Polyanthum. Jasminum polyanthum, a perennial vine also known as winter jasmine or pink jasmine, produces delicate pink buds that eventually open to reveal fragrant white flowers around Valentine's Day. The plant blooms prolifically with proper care and its vines can reach up to 20 feet long. Native to China, Jasminum...

Jasminum polyanthum, a perennial vine also known as winter jasmine or pink jasmine, produces delicate pink buds that eventually open to reveal fragrant white flowers around Valentine's Day. The plant blooms prolifically with proper care and its vines can reach up to 20 feet long. Native to China, Jasminum polyanthum cannot abide frost and gardeners typically grow the plant in containers in much of the United States. However, it performs as an evergreen in frost-free areas of the country.
Things You'll Need
Potting soil
High-phosphorus fertilizer
Plant Jasminum polyanthum in a container equipped with drainage holes and filled with well-draining potting mix. Combine equal parts loam, potting soil and perlite to create the ideal potting mix for your plant, as it prefers a light, loamy growing medium.
Place the potted plant outdoors in a sunny spot during the summer months. Bring the plant indoors in late fall before temperatures drop below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Place it in an area that receives bright sunlight for its winter and spring resting period.
Water your Jasminum polyanthum plant thoroughly about once a week during the summer and fall, keeping the soil slightly moist at all times. Reduce watering to once every 10 to 14 days during the winter and spring, allowing the soil to dry out between applications.
Feed the plant twice monthly in spring through fall with a high-phosphorus fertilizer formulated for flowering plants. Apply according to the manufacturer's directions for the best results. Stop feeding the plant in winter during its dormant period.
Prune Jasminum polyanthum in spring to remove wayward branches and promote a bushier growth habit. The plant can tolerate pruning to within about 6 inches of the soil surface. Repot after pruning if the plant has outgrown its container.
Tips & Warnings
Plant Jasminum polyanthum in the ground in U.S. Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zones 8 through 11 only, as it cannot tolerate winter temperatures in cooler areas. Above zone 8, grow the plant in a container and overwinter indoors. If growing outdoors in the garden, provide full sun, weekly watering and monthly feeding to keep the plant healthy and blooming. Prune as needed after flowering.

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