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How to Dry Persimmon

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How to Dry Persimmon

How to Dry Persimmon. Persimmon is an orange-red fruit that tastes similar to a date but is not quite as sweet. The fruit can be eaten fresh or dried after being preserved. Dry persimmon several ways, based on your equipment and time constraints. Persimmon is a good source of dietary fiber, whether fresh or dried, according to the journal "Food...

Persimmon is an orange-red fruit that tastes similar to a date but is not quite as sweet. The fruit can be eaten fresh or dried after being preserved. Dry persimmon several ways, based on your equipment and time constraints. Persimmon is a good source of dietary fiber, whether fresh or dried, according to the journal "Food Science and Technology."
Things You'll Need
Vegetable peeler
Baking sheets
Cooling racks
Food dehydrator
By Hanging
Peel the skin off the persimmon with a vegetable peeler or paring knife and discard. If you keep the skin on the fruit, it will not dry but continue to ripen, reports "Sunset" magazine.
Tie a string around the stem of the persimmon. If the stem has been removed, loop the string around the calyx, the area at the top of the fruit from which the stem grows. Most persimmons have a large calyx.
Hammer nails into the wall, ceiling or a hanging rack used to dry the fruit. Place the nails high enough so the persimmons will not touch the ground and be easily accessible to pets or children.
Leave the fruit alone to dehydrate. Depending on the size of the fruit and the humidity in the air, this process could take up to a month. Remove the fruit from hanging when the texture is leathery.
In the Oven
Set your oven to 150 degrees Fahrenheit while you peel the fruit.
Cut the persimmons into slices with a sharp knife; the thickness of the slices is a matter of personal choice.
Place the persimmons on a metal cooling rack that's oven-safe. Set the cooling rack on top of a cookie sheet.
Dry the fruit slices in the oven for approximately eight hours. Check on the progress of the drying every so often, perhaps every hour. Turn over the fruit with tongs at each checkpoint to ensure even drying.
Remove the dried persimmon from the oven when the edges are beginning to crisp up but are still pliable.
In a Food Dehydrator
Peel the persimmons and slice with a paring knife.
Place the fruit slices on the rack of your food dehydrator so they are close together but not touching one another.
Turn on the dehydrator to a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit and let the fruit dry for approximately 24 hours. Check on the progress occasionally and to flip over the fruit.

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