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How to Grow Purple Beauty Bush From Seeds

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How to Grow Purple Beauty Bush From Seeds

How to Grow Purple Beauty Bush From Seeds. The American beautyberry bush (Callicarpa Americana), sometimes known as purple beauty bush, is a highly ornamental deciduous shrub. Growing to a height of 6 to 8 feet, the beautyberry bush produces incredibly charming light purple to violet berries in the fall. A drought-tolerant plant, beautyberry is...

The American beautyberry bush (Callicarpa Americana), sometimes known as purple beauty bush, is a highly ornamental deciduous shrub. Growing to a height of 6 to 8 feet, the beautyberry bush produces incredibly charming light purple to violet berries in the fall. A drought-tolerant plant, beautyberry is adaptable to many types of soil within U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 6 through 10. The purple beauty bush readily propagates by seed, planted in the spring.
Things You'll Need
Nursery flat
Potting soil
Misting bottle
Fish emulsion
Fill a nursery flat with equal parts of sand and potting soil. Water the mixture, stirring, until the excess water drains from the bottom of the flat. Level the surface of the planting medium and allow it to drain completely.
Sprinkle the beautybush seeds over the surface of the soil and cover them with a 1/4-inch layer of sand.
Place the flat in a shady area and keep the soil moist by spraying it with water from a misting bottle. Germination times are variable, so don't give up if the seeds don't germinate quickly. It can take up to four months.
Pull out and discard weak seedlings when they have their third set of leaves. Fertilize the rest with fish emulsion, diluted to half the strength recommended on the label. Apply the fertilizer to wet soil and water again after applying.
Transplant the beautybush seedlings into the garden when they're 6 inches tall. Plant them in a partially shady area, at the same depth they grew in the flat. Keep the soil moist until you see new growth.

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