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How to Grow Clematis in Containers

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How to Grow Clematis in Containers

How to Grow Clematis in Containers. The clematis is a flowering vine which is part of the buttercup family. There are over 290 species of clematis vines, but only a few of them are suitable for containers. These varieties include 'Nelly Moser,' 'The President,' 'Polish Spirit' and 'Niobe.' The container needs to be at least 18 inches wide by 18...

The clematis is a flowering vine which is part of the buttercup family. There are over 290 species of clematis vines, but only a few of them are suitable for containers. These varieties include 'Nelly Moser,' 'The President,' 'Polish Spirit' and 'Niobe.' The container needs to be at least 18 inches wide by 18 inches high by 18 inches deep. Do not use containers made of metal or any other heat conducting material. A metal pot left in the sun will cause the temperature of the soil to rise, and may damage the clematis vine.
Things You'll Need
Potting soil
Coarse peat moss
Hand shovel
All-purpose liquid fertilizer
Trellis or bamboo tripod
Annual flowers
Watering can
Fill a planter up half way with potting soil. The planter you choose will need drainage holes at the bottom.
Fill the planter to 1 inch from the top with coarse peat moss. The coarse peat moss will help the soil drain. Use a small hand shovel to mix the peat moss and potting soil together.
Dig a hole in the center of the planter with the small shovel. The hole needs to be as deep as the roots of your clematis plant plus 1 inch. Place the clematis vine into the hole and backfill with soil.
Pour an all-purpose liquid fertilizer into the soil near the roots of the clematis vine. You will need to feed the clematis vine once a month when the plant is in bloom.
Push a trellis or bamboo tripod into the planter behind the clematis plant. Do this at the time of planting, even if the clematis is standing on its own. Trying to do this after the roots grow and establish themselves will cause root damage.
Plant a group of annuals around the sides of the planter. Choose annuals that will complement the vine in color or bloom shape. Annuals, such as impatiens, will make a nice addition to the planter without growing larger than the young clematis. The annuals will help fill in the bottom of the container as well as provide shade for the root system of the clematis.
Water the clematis plant every day with a watering can. Any excess water should run through the drainage holes at the bottom of the planter.
Move your clematis indoors prior to the first frost of the season. An indoor garage or cellar is a good place to overwinter your clematis vines. Pull out, and dispose of, the annuals when you bring the vine indoors for the winter.
Tips & Warnings
Clematis vines will not do any damage to structures they climb.

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