How to Trim Confederate Jasmine
How to Trim Confederate Jasmine. Many gardeners fear that they'll injure their plants while pruning, but your Confederate jasmine won't mind a bit if you give it a good trim every year. In fact, this tough and very forgiving plant will respond quite favorably to what may seem to be extreme treatment. Even if your space isn't particularly limited,...
Many gardeners fear that they'll injure their plants while pruning, but your Confederate jasmine won't mind a bit if you give it a good trim every year. In fact, this tough and very forgiving plant will respond quite favorably to what may seem to be extreme treatment. Even if your space isn't particularly limited, vining stems of Trachelospermum jasminoides can quickly race out of hand. If you don't keep this vigorous beauty trimmed, stems will attain lengths in excess of 20 feet. The best time to trim this plant is during April and May after it blooms. For the most part, trim your Confederate, or star, jasmine so that it looks good to you.
Things You'll Need
Old clothing
Clean, sharp pruning shears
Old rag
Rubbing alcohol
Put on gloves and old clothing when you trim your Confederate jasmine. The sap is known to stain fabrics and may irritate the skin of sensitive individuals.
Use clean, sharp pruning shears to cut out dead, damaged, diseased, or weak and spindly stems.
Prune long or shaggy vines back to about 3 feet shorter than you desire their total lengths to be for this season. You can safely remove as much as one-third of each. If stems look unattractive to you, prune them out.
Trim back stems throughout the growing season if they become to long for your taste, or if you feel that the star jasmine plant begins to look untidy.
Pinch off new tips as they appear after the Confederate jasmine has finished blooming. Continue pinching shoots throughout the season to stimulate lateral growth and help to keep the length of vining stems in check.
Clean your pruning shears with an old rag and rubbing alcohol. It will easily remove the sticky sap.
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