How to Grow Grass in High Traffic Areas
How to Grow Grass in High Traffic Areas. The right grass selection makes a huge difference when planting in high-traffic areas of the lawn. Grass types such as Bermuda, zoysia, Kentucky bluegrass and ryegrass withstand much of the wear and tear that yards experience. Some, however, such as St. Augustine, will wear down into bare patches, allowing...
The right grass selection makes a huge difference when planting in high-traffic areas of the lawn. Grass types such as Bermuda, zoysia, Kentucky bluegrass and ryegrass withstand much of the wear and tear that yards experience. Some, however, such as St. Augustine, will wear down into bare patches, allowing room for weed growth. Despite the proper selection of grass, your lawn can still show the signs of wear. It is important to protect the grass before bare areas appear or your grass dies out.
Things You'll Need
Lawn mower
Stone pavers
Create a dog run in an area away from street view or in the backyard. Not only do pets wear down grass, but pet urine can turn grass yellow and brown. Install a fence that is long enough for your pet to run and get exercise. You can even plant vines on the fencing to blend it into the rest of the landscape.
Rotate foot traffic. Use one area of the yard one week for playing and switch to the opposite side the next week to break up the wear and tear on the yard.
Fertilize your grass to provide extra nutrients. Use a fertilizer with a nitrogen-phosphorous-potassium ratio of 20-10-10 at least five times during the growing season. Apply fertilizer in the fall for cool-season grasses and in the spring for warm-season grass types.
Keep the lawn at its optimal height to prevent weak grass roots. For example, Bermuda grass should be kept at 1 to 1 1/2 inches while bluegrass should be kept at 2 to 3 1/2 inches. Avoid taking off more than one-third of the grass blade.
Place stones on the lawn to create walkways to flowerbed areas. Make sure the stones are placed so that you can easily step from stone to stone.
Tips & Warnings
Water grass when you see it discolor or wilted to maintain strong grass blades.
Avoid walking on your lawn when it is wet. Doing so it can trample down the grass blades.
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