How to Convert a Metric Ton to a Price Per Bushel
How to Convert a Metric Ton to a Price Per Bushel. A bushel is a unit of measurement used mostly in agriculture in the United States. Traditionally, a bushel measures volume, but it is increasingly used to measure weight, too. How much a bushel weighs depends on the commodity being weighed. For example, a bushel of oats equals 32 pounds. A metric...
A bushel is a unit of measurement used mostly in agriculture in the United States. Traditionally, a bushel measures volume, but it is increasingly used to measure weight, too. How much a bushel weighs depends on the commodity being weighed. For example, a bushel of oats equals 32 pounds. A metric ton is the French "Systeme Internationale" (SI) unit for weight. It is equal to 1,000 kg. You can convert metric tons to bushels to better understand the price of agricultural products.
Multiply 1,000 kg by 2.2 pounds to convert 1 metric ton to pounds, since 1 kilogram equals 2.2 pounds. This will equal 2,200 pounds.
Divide 2,200 pounds by 32 pounds, using the bushel of oats as an example. This will equal 68.75 bushels of oats in 1 metric ton.
Divide the price per metric ton of oats--in this example, $50--by 68.75 to calculate the price per bushel. That would equal 73 cents per bushel.
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