How to Identify Vines With Purple Flowers
How to Identify Vines With Purple Flowers. Flowering vines add beauty to your garden and some, like the hummingbird flower, attract unusual wildlife. They can be planted to grow up a trellis or the side of a shed or garage. There are over a dozen different varieties of flowering vines in the United States, and approximately half of them have purple...
Flowering vines add beauty to your garden and some, like the hummingbird flower, attract unusual wildlife. They can be planted to grow up a trellis or the side of a shed or garage. There are over a dozen different varieties of flowering vines in the United States, and approximately half of them have purple flowers. The key to identifying the species of a vine is by examining the flowers, petals and vines of the plant.
Examine the flowers and count the petals. Purple passion flowers have a large blossom with many tiny petals that have feathery ends. whereas morning glories can have between five petals that form a star, or 12 that form a complete circle.
Feel the texture of the leaves and look at their shape. Hyacinths have solid leaves that are rounded on the stem side and come to a point at the end. They are shiny and have a waxy texture. The leaf of the purple trumpet vine resembles an elephant's head: the base nearest the vine has two rounded sections that are the "ears" and the leaf that narrows in the center to a pointy "trunk."
Check the thickness of the vine. Moonflowers have narrow, dark-green vines that curve, while hummingbird flower vines are thin, bright green and grow straight.
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