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How to Grow Pineapples From Cut Pineapple

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How to Grow Pineapples From Cut Pineapple

How to Grow Pineapples From Cut Pineapple. After removing a pineapple from its stem, the cut pineapple can grow new pineapples, while you enjoy its sweet fruit. It isn't necessary to have access to pineapple plants, simply purchase a fresh pineapple at the grocery store or produce stand. When shopping for your pineapple, select one that is healthy...

After removing a pineapple from its stem, the cut pineapple can grow new pineapples, while you enjoy its sweet fruit. It isn't necessary to have access to pineapple plants, simply purchase a fresh pineapple at the grocery store or produce stand. When shopping for your pineapple, select one that is healthy looking with green top leaves, and free of mold. Don't use a pineapple with small center leaves that easily pull from the plant. From the fresh pineapple's leafy top, grow a pineapple plant.
Things You'll Need
Coarse sand, vermiculite or perlite
Potting soil
Cut the leafy top off the pineapple, cutting about 1/2 inch below the leafy top. Put the pineapple fruit in the refrigerator until you are ready to prepare it to eat.
Pull off the lowest leaves from the leafy top.
Remove the outer portion of the cut leafy section. The goal is to reveal, not remove, its stringy core.
Set the leafy top aside and allow it to dry for about a week.
Fill a small pot with coarse sand, vermiculite or perlite, and plant the pineapple in the soil medium. Insert the leafy top in the planting medium with the base of the leaves exposed.
Water the pot thoroughly, keeping it moist, but not soggy. Set in bright, indirect sunlight. The pineapple should root in about two months.
Repot the plant in a pot filled with well-draining potting mixture and keep the soil moist. Place the plant in bright, indirect sunlight. Move to a sunny window after three weeks.
Fertilize every three weeks during the spring and summer, using soluble houseplant fertilizer, and follow the instructions on the package.
Replant in the garden, during the spring, if you live in an area that does not experience frost. The plant will take about three years to mature.

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