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How to Care for Red Begonias

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How to Care for Red Begonias

How to Care for Red Begonias. Begonias are a hardy flowering plant that comes in a wide variety of colors, including red. It is a low-growing species that consists of over 1,000 varieties and typically blooms from summer all the way until the mid-fall. Begonias grow well in a variety of locations, including the ground, plant pots and even in...

Begonias are a hardy flowering plant that comes in a wide variety of colors, including red. It is a low-growing species that consists of over 1,000 varieties and typically blooms from summer all the way until the mid-fall. Begonias grow well in a variety of locations, including the ground, plant pots and even in hanging baskets. Providing the proper care for your red begonias will ensure that they look healthy even during the hottest summer temperatures.
Things You'll Need
24-12-17 granular fertilizer
Fungicide or copper spray
Place the red begonias in an area where they receive partial or filtered sunlight. They can also be placed in location with full morning sun, but they must be shaded from the hot afternoon sunlight.
Water the soil under the red begonia as needed to keep it evenly moist but not too wet, which will cause the begonia roots to rot. When watering, direct the water at the soil, not at the leaves of the begonia plant.
Apply a 24-12-17 granular fertilizer to the soil once per week when the red begonia is in bloom.
Examine the red begonia plant daily for wilted blooms and pull them off with your fingers. This is called deadheading and improves the begonia's appearance and prevents disease from developing.
Watch the plant leaves diligently for signs of a white powder, which is a disease called powdery mildew. If powdery mildew is detected, spray the entire red begonia plant with a fungicide or a copper spray to kill the disease.
Tips & Warnings
To keep the red begonia over the winter, dig up the roots before the first frost and allow them to dry completely. Store the roots in a dark location with a temperature of 55 degrees Fahrenheit until the threat of frost has passed in the spring.

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