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How to Grow Morning Glories in Containers

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How to Grow Morning Glories in Containers

How to Grow Morning Glories in Containers. Morning glory, Ipomoea spp., is grown as an annual vine that can reach a height of 12 feet. Shorter cultivars are available and some have been developed specifically for growing in containers. Morning glories are tender vines that grow fast, as long as the weather stays frost free. They put out flowers all...

Morning glory, Ipomoea spp., is grown as an annual vine that can reach a height of 12 feet. Shorter cultivars are available and some have been developed specifically for growing in containers. Morning glories are tender vines that grow fast, as long as the weather stays frost free. They put out flowers all summer, but each, five-petaled, trumpet-shaped flower blooms for only as long as a day, in shades of blue, red and white.
Things You'll Need
Potting soil
Planting containers
Soak the large morning glory seeds overnight in water. Soaking helps the seeds to germinate faster.
Fill planting containers with potting soil. Water them until excess water drips out of the bottom.
Plant morning glory seeds outside, a week after the last frost date, or indoors, a month before the last frost date. Plant them in the containers, pots or hanging baskets that you plan to grow them in. Morning glory seeds do not like to be transplanted.
Sow seeds 1/4 inch deep, water them well and keep them moist until they germinate.
Tips & Warnings
Grow morning glories in full sun or part shade.
Morning glory seeds are poisonous.

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