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How to Fertilize Zoysia Sod

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How to Fertilize Zoysia Sod

How to Fertilize Zoysia Sod. Zoysia is a common grass type used for lawns; however, because the seed germinates slower than other grasses, it is often installed as sod. Zoysia sod is common in residential lawns as well as golf courses because it withstands traffic well and does not require mowing as frequently. Zoysia sod requires fertilizing, but...

Zoysia is a common grass type used for lawns; however, because the seed germinates slower than other grasses, it is often installed as sod. Zoysia sod is common in residential lawns as well as golf courses because it withstands traffic well and does not require mowing as frequently. Zoysia sod requires fertilizing, but the fertilizer is applied less frequently than with other types of sod or grass.
Things You'll Need
Balanced granular fertilizer
Fertilizer spreader
Tiller or pitch fork
High-nitrogen fertilizer
Winterizer fertilizer
Fill a fertilizer spreader with a balanced granular fertilizer, such as 10-10-10 or 10-6-4, before installing the zoysia sod on the ground. Use the application rate suggested by the manufacturer; work it into the top 3 to 4 inches of soil using a tiller or a pitch fork.
Wait eight weeks after installing the zoysia sod to allow the roots to firmly attach to the underlying soil. Fill a fertilizer spreader with a slow-release, high-nitrogen fertilizer. Push the spreader over the lawn in side-by-side rows, applying it at the rate indicated on the packaging. Water well after application to dissolve the fertilizer.
Wait until mid-fall and fill the fertilizer spreader with a granular fertilizer labeled as a winterizer. Use the amount recommended on the package label. Push the spreader over the zoysia sod, applying it just as you did the previous fertilizers. Winterizers increase the cold tolerance of zoysia sod and protect the root system.
Tips & Warnings
Begin the fertilization schedule the following spring in May or June, or when you see the zoysia sod beginning to turn green.
A high-nitrogen fertilizer has a higher first umber on the fertilizer package, such as 25-5-5.

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