How to Mix Greenlight Neem Oil Concentrate
How to Mix Greenlight Neem Oil Concentrate. Aphids, spider mites, cucumber beatles, grape leaf skeletonizers, and other pests can wreak havoc on your fruit and vegetable plants. Neem oil interrupts the hormonal balance of insect pests. Some insects loose their desire to eat, which results in death, while other insects are discouraged from coming...
Aphids, spider mites, cucumber beatles, grape leaf skeletonizers, and other pests can wreak havoc on your fruit and vegetable plants. Neem oil interrupts the hormonal balance of insect pests. Some insects loose their desire to eat, which results in death, while other insects are discouraged from coming near the plant by the neem oil. Greenlight manufacturers a neem oil concentrate that contains 70 percent oil. This concentrate must not be mixed or diluted using the same ratios as a pure neem oil concentrate.
Things You'll Need
Spray bottle
Measuring cup
Bucket or container for mixing
Funnel (optional)
Add a 1/2 gallon of water to a large bucket or container.
Pour in 1 tbsp. of Green Light Neem Oil to the water. Per instructions, 2 tbsp. of neem oil concentrate should be added per 1 gallon of water.
Pour the mixture into a spray bottle using a funnel or other method of easy transfer so that the mixture can be applied directly to the plant.
Spray the mixed neem oil on vegetables and fruit plants to kill aphids and other insects, and to erradice diseases and leaf spots.
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