How to Care for a Dragon Wing Begonia
How to Care for a Dragon Wing Begonia. Add stunning color and tropical flair to your garden with "Dragon Wing" begonia (*Begonia x hybrida*), a low-maintenance begonia hybrid which grows vigorously from spring until the first frost. The plants, which are hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 and 10, average 24 to...
Add stunning color and tropical flair to your garden with "Dragon Wing" begonia (Begonia x hybrida), a low-maintenance begonia hybrid which grows vigorously from spring until the first frost. The plants, which are hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 and 10, average 24 to 36 inches high, with widths of 36 to 42 inches. Grown in full sun, "Dragon Wing" begonias remain more compact and the foliage develops reddish edges; for optimal appearance, grow "Dragon Wing" in an area with partial shade and well-drained, nutrient-rich soil.
Watering "Dragon Wing" Begonias
Maintain evenly moist -- but not wet -- soil after you plant a Dragon Wing and during the growing season to create an optimal growing environment. Overly wet conditions, caused by over-watering and watering the plants from above, can leave "Dragon Wing" begonias vulnerable to problems such as powdery mildew and leaf spots.
The plant needs at least 1 inch of water weekly during its growing season -- from the time the plant shows signs of new growth until the first frost. This can come from rain or supplemental watering, although container-grown plants typically require more moisture because they dry out faster than plants grown in the ground. As a general rule, water whenever the soil or potting mix is dry an inch below the surface.
Fertilizing Plants
Once a month during the growing season, fertilize in-ground "Dragon Wing" begonias with a light, slow-release fertilizer such as a 12-6-6, recommends Norman Winter in Tough-As-Nails Flowers for the South. Mix approximately 2 tablespoons of a liquid 12-6-6 fertilizer for each gallon of water and apply it directly to the soil.
If you're growing the begonias in a container, you need to fertilize them more frequently during the growing season to compensate for the more frequent watering. Feed container-grown "Dragon Wing" begonias with a water-soluble 20-20-20 formula every other week, suggests Winter. Mix approximately 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of the fertilizer for every 1 gallon of water.
Managing Pests and Disease
Although "Dragon Wing" begonias are largely problem free, keep an eye out for any symptoms of fungal diseases such as gray mold, which initially looks like dead spots on the plant which can develop gray fuzz. Other potential problems include white powdery mildew, heralded by powdery white patches on foliage, stems and flowers; botrytis blight, which causes tan spots on the leaves and rot at the crown; and leaf spot, which causes water-soaked spots on the leaves that appear to have a yellow ring around them. Remove any affected plant parts and spray a ready-mixed fungicide on all surfaces of the plant to treat these diseases.
Watch out for symptoms of mealybug infestations. These small insects are usually covered in a white, wax-like material. As they feed on the root and foliage, they leave behind a sticky honeydew residue. The damage generally causes leaf distortion and, if left unchecked, it can kill the plant. Pick individual mealybugs off the plant, wipe them away with a cotton swab that's been dipped in rubbing alcohol or spray the foliage with a premixed insecticidal soap to control the pests. In the case of an extensive infestation, remove and destroy the affected plant.
Overwintering "Dragon Wing" Begonias
Unless you live in USDA zones 9 or 10, you need to grow "Dragon Wing" begonias as an annual, or overwinter the plants indoors to protect them from the damaging cold. Lift plants grown in the ground and place them in a container with drainage holes filled with potting mix. If the begonias are already growing in containers, rinse the foliage to remove any pests and flood the pot once or twice with water to remove any excess salts left behind from fertilizing the plant.
Place the container in a sunny spot with abundant bright, indirect light and protection from drying drafts. Ideally, the room temperature should be between 62 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit, with cooler temperatures at night, although the plant can tolerate temperatures slightly higher or lower. Turn the pot every few days for even sun exposure. Support healthy humidity levels by placing the container on top of a water-filled, gravel-lined tray. Water the plant occasionally to keep the soil slightly moist.
Pruning Tips
"Dragon Wing" doesn't have heavy pruning needs. Prune any scraggly canes at the base of the plant to maintain a tidy appearance and generate new growth. These low-maintenance plants do not need deadheading -- the removal of dead flowers -- because old flowers make room for new ones. If any of the canes are growing too vigorously, trim the tip to help keep the size of the plant in check.
If you live in USDA zones 9 or 10, prune woody, older canes in early spring or late winter. The American Begonia Society recommends leaving new growth unpruned and cutting older green canes back, leaving four to five nodes -- those small bumps on the canes.
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