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How to Propagate a Jade Vine

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How to Propagate a Jade Vine

How to Propagate a Jade Vine. The tropical jade vine also goes by the names emerald creeper and Strongylodon macrobotrys. It's native to the Philippines and is a member of the large legume or bean family, but it doesn't produce an edible fruit. Jade vines are evergreen and very sensitive to frost. They perform adequately in greenhouse situations...

The tropical jade vine also goes by the names emerald creeper and Strongylodon macrobotrys. It's native to the Philippines and is a member of the large legume or bean family, but it doesn't produce an edible fruit. Jade vines are evergreen and very sensitive to frost. They perform adequately in greenhouse situations outside of the tropics. Vines in a suitable environment can grow as long as 70 feet and the plant produces blossoms that are an unusual blue-green color with a claw-like appearance. It produces seeds in pods after the flowers fade and you can also propagate stem pieces.
Things You'll Need
Peat moss
Flat or pots
Knife or clippers
Rooting hormone
Pencil or screwdriver
Plant heat mat (optional)
Propagating From Seeds
Collect seeds when the pods dry on the plant. Use them immediately because they do not store well.
Break open seed pods and shake the seeds onto a sheet of newspaper.
Prepare a planting medium by combining equal parts of sand and peat moss in a nursery flat. Moisten it well with a mist of water and then scatter seeds on the surface. Barely cover them with additional planting medium and mist again.
Keep your seeded flat in a warm, sunny area that stays 80 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer at all times.
Transplant the strongest seedlings to individual pots when they are 3 to 4 inches tall. Use the same planting medium and allow them to grow to 1 foot or more before you transplant them to the garden or to a larger pot you will keep in a warm greenhouse.
Propagating From Cuttings
Cut several 9-inch lengths from the growing tips of an existing jade vine. Use only tips that are not blooming.
Prepare a planting medium by combining equal parts of sand and peat moss in a nursery flat or individual pots. Moisten the medium well with a mist of water and then make one hole for each cutting with a pencil or screwdriver.
Dip each cutting into a commercial rooting hormone according to product instructions and then insert one cutting into each hole in your pot or flat.
Keep your cuttings in a warm area that does not receive direct sun. If your daytime and nighttime temperatures fall below 80 degrees, consider using a heated plant mat under your pots or flat.
Transplant rooted cuttings to larger pots or into the garden when they are about 12 inches long.

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