Myths About the Sage Herb
Myths About the Sage Herb. Sage has been useful to man dating back thousands of years. In those times, magic, witches, devils and gods were used in an effort to explain the unknown affects of medicinal herbs, making for the myths about sage that have been passed down through generations.

Sage has been useful to man dating back thousands of years. In those times, magic, witches, devils and gods were used in an effort to explain the unknown affects of medicinal herbs, making for the myths about sage that have been passed down through generations.
Sage in Magic Spells
To reverse a spell or to protect a person from the "Evil Eye," it was believed a good idea to add sage to the remedy.
Immortality and Sage
Sage has been said to be able to slow down the aging process. An ancient Arabian proverb states, "How can a man die when he has sage in his garden?"
Jupiter Rules the Herb Sage
According to The Herb Book by John Lust, plants used for their medicinal properties to affect the liver or arterial system are ruled by the planet Jupiter.
Sage and Domestic Tranquility
Sage is said to grow in the garden of a house ruled by a woman, yet others believe sage flourishes according to the fortunes of the man of the house and will wither when he dies.
Ceremonial Burning of Sage Leaves
The burning of sage leaves was thought to banish evil spirits by making them sick; its burning was also believed to attract money.
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