The Average Cost of Calla Lillies
The Average Cost of Calla Lillies. A useful garden plant for shaded or partially shaded areas and a long-lasting cut flower, callas (Zantedeschia spp.) come in a variety of colors. The standard white calla lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica), which grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 10, is taller and...
A useful garden plant for shaded or partially shaded areas and a long-lasting cut flower, callas (Zantedeschia spp.) come in a variety of colors. The standard white calla lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica), which grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 10, is taller and larger-flowered than more recently introduced mini callas (Zantedeschia hybrida). These come in every color but blue and grow in USDA zones 9 through 10.
Plants and Corms
Blooming mini callas in a 6-inch pot average $25, ranging from $15 at a discount store to $35 at an online florist, as of publishing time. Prices go up depending on how fancy the pot is. Calla lily corms for gardens or pots cost about $6 each for mini callas, but corms on sale or in mixed lots can average $3.50 or less. The average cost for standard white callas is $3.75 for 10 or lower corms.
Cut Flowers
Calla cut flower prices depend on the kind, size and quantity of flowers and where you buy them. At florist shops, flowers cost between $5 and $9 each for a median price of $7. For 50 stems of a single variety from a bulk supplier, price per stem averages $3.40 for standard white callas and about $3.60 for mini callas. Choice colors and longer-stemmed flowers can cost $5 per stem.
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