The Best Flowering Vines for Central Florida
The Best Flowering Vines for Central Florida. Central Florida is in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zone 9, and University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Science Extension suggests certain flowering vines for this region. The best flowering vines for this section of the state include those that can survive chilly...
Central Florida is in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zone 9, and University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Science Extension suggests certain flowering vines for this region. The best flowering vines for this section of the state include those that can survive chilly winter temperatures and high heat and humidity in the summer months. Selecting plants native to particular growing zones ensures adaptability and weather tolerance. Flowering vines provide attractive coverings for bare spaces and abundant opportunities for food and shelter for winged wildlife.
Cross Vine
Trumpet-shaped, orange flowers appear in late winter and early spring on this rapid grower. Hummingbirds enjoy the sweet 2- to 3-inch flowers on this hardy plant. Cross vine is drought resistant and capable of growing in many conditions. Manage vine with annual trimming to keep it from becoming invasive.
Dutchman's Pipe
Dutchman's pipe is an annual native in the Florida landscape with white and purple flowers blooming throughout the summer and winter. Pipevine swallowtails and polydamas butterflies nest in the vine, which provides food for their larvae. Dutchman's pipe quickly reaches its mature height of 10 to 15 feet when planted in sandy soil and partial sun.
Trumpet Vine
Trumpet vine is a woody creeper that grows in full sun. Optimal conditions produce orange and red trumpet-shaped flowers that bloom from summer through fall. Hummingbirds and butterflies enjoy nectar-filled blooms. A rapid grower, this vine will cover fences and other structures quickly with aerial roots.
Morning Glory
Native Floridian morning glory species are drought tolerant and spread to 75 feet quickly. Brilliant blue flowers are easily propagated from seed and reseed annually. Morning glories flourish in full sun and require little if any care to provide colorful spreading borders.
Flame Vine
Provide a trellis or other sturdy structure for this vibrant orange blooming evergreen vine. Plant in full sun or partial shade, and flame vine produces 2- to 3-inch tubular flowers. Remove dead wood after flowering to maintain. Use caution when planting flame vine near other vegetation as this overambitious vine can strangle anything in its path.
Coral Honeysuckle
Coral honeysuckle is a semideciduous, woody evergreen with a trailing habit. Bright orange tubular flowers with a yellow inside charm ruby-throated hummingbirds and butterflies throughout the summer months. Reaching a mature height of 10 to 15 feet quickly, this vigorous plant benefits from annual pruning.
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