When to Pick Kiwi Fruit?
When to Pick Kiwi Fruit?. Knowing when to harvest kiwi fruit can be tricky, depending on the variety and location. Weather and seasonal conditions also play roles. Drought can trigger early ripening and diminish the kiwi's flavor. Harvesting too soon prevents the fruit from reaching its fullest flavor. Ideally, it's best to harvest kiwi fruit when...
Knowing when to harvest kiwi fruit can be tricky, depending on the variety and location. Weather and seasonal conditions also play roles. Drought can trigger early ripening and diminish the kiwi's flavor. Harvesting too soon prevents the fruit from reaching its fullest flavor. Ideally, it's best to harvest kiwi fruit when its sugar is at the optimal level. Whatever variety of kiwi, the fruit is ripe when its seeds are black.
Background on Kiwi
Kiwi is native to China but eventually reached Europe, the U.S. and New Zealand. Kiwi is from the genus Actinidia, which includes more than 50 species. A perennial vine, the kiwi plant is dioecious, meaning female and male flowers grow on different plants. The female produces the fruit, which has flesh color ranging from green to yellow. Different kinds of kiwi generate different sizes and flavors of the fruit. Fuzzy, brown kiwi, called Hayward, grows in warmer climates such as California. Hardy kiwis are more winter tolerant and produce smaller, cherry-sized fruit with smooth skins.
Determining Fruit Development
Generally, kiwis reach full size in mid-summer, but the fruit does not fully mature until late September. Some prefer vine-ripened kiwis. Others advise picking the kiwi just before it's fully ripe so the fruit is tastier. If the kiwi is picked early, refrigerate as it finishes ripening. To check hardy kiwis' maturity, pick a few and let them soften for a few days so they sweeten. Cut one open. If seeds are black, it's ripe. Harvest the rest. The hardy kiwi is sweeter than the fuzzy kiwi.
Storing Kiwi After Harvest
Vine-ripened hardy kiwis have better sweetness, but they don't store well. After picking the hardy kiwi while it's still green and hard, refrigerate in vented plastic bags for up to two months. Keep at room temperature to finish ripening. Harvest vine-ripened kiwis when red blush shows on the skin surface. Fuzzy kiwis are bigger and ripen later than hardy kiwi, in early November. Store them the same way as hardy kiwi, but for up to six months.
Tips on Handling Kiwi Fruit
Kiwi is easy to bruise, so it must be handled gently. Damaged kiwis don't store well. Once harvested, kiwi should be chilled as soon as possible. The colder the storage, the better. High humidity helps kiwis last longer, too. Keep harvested kiwis away from other ripening fruit to prevent early ripening.
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