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Specifications for Poulan Chainsaws

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Specifications for Poulan Chainsaws

Specifications for Poulan Chainsaws. Poulan makes a variety of models of chainsaws, including both electric and gas-powered versions. Poulans come in the regular green Poulan brand and also the yellow and black Poulan Pro. They have a number of blade lengths, from 14 inches to 20 inches and are a handy alternative for people who do not need a...

Poulan makes a variety of models of chainsaws, including both electric and gas-powered versions. Poulans come in the regular green Poulan brand and also the yellow and black Poulan Pro. They have a number of blade lengths, from 14 inches to 20 inches and are a handy alternative for people who do not need a chainsaw for heavy duty use. I have two Poulans myself and they work very well as long as I maintain them properly.
Fuel Mixture
Poulan recommends a fuel mixture of at least 40:1 for proper lubrication of the engine. A 3.2 oz. bottle of two-cycle engine oil will mix with a gallon of unleaded gasoline to form the proper mixture.
Sharpen With a Round Chainsaw File
It's easy to sharpen the cutting teeth on a Poulan by the owner and by hand with a handheld sharpening file. The technique calls for inserting a round chain file into the cutting tooth and to apply equal strokes to each tooth to ensure a uniform sharpening job along the entire chain.
From 14 inch to 20 inch Blades
Poulan makes a few different smaller 14-inch chainsaws, both in electric and gas models for smaller jobs. They also make a big Poulan Pro with a 20-inch blade and a larger engine to go through much bigger trees.
Chain Oil Pump
Poulans have a chain oil reservoir that continually pumps the chain oil out to lubricate the chain as needed. Running a chainsaw without chain oil will damage the tool quickly. The oil port must be clean from sawdust and debris to ensure proper chain lubrication while using the chainsaw.
Quick Chain Tensioner
A few models of Poulan chainsaws, such as one of 18-inch Poulan Pros, has a quick tensioner handle on the side. Flip up the handle and then turn it in a clockwise direction to tighten the chain. A loose chain can come loose from the bar and even become a hazard in some instances. This feature makes it easier and faster to keep the cutting chain at the proper tension level.

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