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Why Do My Tomato Plants Flower But Not Produce Fruit?

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Why Do My Tomato Plants Flower But Not Produce Fruit?

Why Do My Tomato Plants Flower But Not Produce Fruit?. Tomato gardening is not considering one of the more difficult tasks in cultivating your garden, but it can become one of the more frustrating for one particular reason. Your tomato plant may be blooming and flower nicely, but for some reason, it might refuse to produce a single tomato. If this...

Tomato gardening is not considering one of the more difficult tasks in cultivating your garden, but it can become one of the more frustrating for one particular reason. Your tomato plant may be blooming and flower nicely, but for some reason, it might refuse to produce a single tomato. If this is your problem, it may be happening for a variety of reasons. It is important to understand why this is happening to stop it from happening, and to get your plant producing the coveted fruit.
Your tomato plant may not be producing any fruit for a number of reasons, but one chief reason can be the sunlight that it is getting. If your plant is not getting enough sunlight, it will not be growing properly, and will fail to yield the fruit you are looking for. Tomatoes require about eight to 10 hours of direct sunlight, and anything less than this may prevent from the fruit from setting, including partial or indirect sunlight.
As with any other plant or flower, fertilizer is also an important part in the healthy growing process. In the case of the tomato plant, it is an essential product to set your fruit. Your fertilizer should not be very high in nitrogen, and it should be used on the soil before the planting is done. The plants need to be side-dressed, and you can use 1 to 2 tbsp. of your low-nitrogen feed. It can be administered once a week for about 10 weeks.
Extreme Temperatures
Temperatures can also be a cause of low-tomato growth on your plants. Tomatoes should be grown in temperatures between 70 and 80 degrees, and temperatures to the extreme on either side will not allow the fruits to set. Several days of temperature over 90 degrees or under 55 degrees will make it either too hot or too cold for the tomatoes to set, and your plant will never have a chance of producing them.
Other Factors
Though light, fertilizer and temperatures are the main factors for not enjoying the tomato crop that you would like, there are also other considerations that can cause your plant not to yield the fruit. One such reason, pests and diseases, can produce bacteria and fungus in your plant that will stunt its growth. Another reason, watering, can find your plant flooded or underfed. Both of these conditions will stop your tomatoes from growing.

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